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Meta menardi
European cave spider Meta menardi
Female Meta menardi spider guarding her egg sac in the ceiling of a cave.
(Found: Lummelunda Gotland Sweden. Aug 2004 )

European cave spider Meta menardi
Meta menardi egg sac in the ceiling of a cave.
(Found: Lummelunda Gotland Sweden. July 2010 )

Scientific name:
Meta menardi
Common name:
European cave spider

The European cave spider, Meta menardi, is often found in caves, cellars and other dark, moist places.
The spider guards its large, white egg sac, filled with hundreds of yellowish eggs.

  © Stefan Sollfors,
No photos may be used in any way
without written permisson,
but feel free to link to individual pages.
I am a photographer, not an arachnologist. Although I spend a lot of time on spider identification, I can not give a 100% guarantee on the id of the spiders.